Tag: Iasi

Oarecari: Set 15 – March 1978

For many years, Ioan Agapi taught photography and film at the Popular Art School from Iași. This institution was like his second home. There are many stories with the teachers and students of the school. In this photo, women`s day is celebrated between the teachers and the administrative staff of the school. Author`s note: “Support Committee – 8 of March”.

Oarecari: Set 13 – August 1972

Ro – Nunta lui Axinte din satul Poiana, județul Iași, din categoria Diverși. En – Axinte`s wedding from Poiana village, Iași county. The picture is framed by the author in the Various People category

Oarecari: Set 10 – July 1971

Ioan Agapi, the year 1971 was, among others, a year of reportage and documentary photography in the villages of Deleni and Poiana, Iași County. This negative cataloged at Various People, has a note written by the author: “Various children, couples, families, at the camp! Various young people working in the field in Deleni.

Oarecari: Set 9 – October 1971

For Ioan Agapi, the year 1971 was, among others, a year of reportage and documentary photography in the villages of Deleni and Poiana, Iași County. The main reason was his future wife, who lived in a neighbouring village. During this period he made a series of memorable portraits with locals, capturing traditions, crafts and making lasting friendships with families in the villages. The children in this photo were the pupils of Maria Agapi, who was their teacher at the time.

Oarecari: Set 8 – April 1970

Dumitru Panainte was one of the well-known fashion designers of the 70s, in Iași. Agapi often photographed his children. We see Onuț and Ady, together with other children, in the swing by the block of flats where they recently moved.

Oarecari: Set 6 – April 1972

Ro – Profesorul Nicușor Petrescu, sculptor ieșean, s-a stins din viață în 1977. Era bun prieten cu Ioan Agapi, care îi fotografiază mai multe lucrări de-a lungul timpului. Nota autorului: „Portret lucrarea Mihai Eminescu din diferite unghiuri. Sculptorul lângă lucrare, ținând fundalul”. Fotografia face parte din categoria Personalități/Prieteni. En – Professor Nicuşor Petrescu, a sculptor from Iaşi, […]

Oarecari: Set 4 – March 1972

Ro – Nota autorului: “Expoziție de artă culinară organizată de restaurantul Expres în sala de dans a Casei de Cultură a Tineretului Iași. Fetele de la Expres pozează pentru albumul personal. Pe scaun stă Gorgos, mașinist la scenă”.Acest negativ a fost filmotecat de autor in 16 ianuarie 2004.Categoria Documentar/Expoziții. En – Author`s note: “Culinary art exhibition organized […]

Oarecari: Set 1 – June 1967

Celebration of the end of the school year at the elementary school in the village of Cozia in the Iasi district.
The author classifies the photo in the Documentary category.
On November 1, 1998 Ioan Agapi added a note: “Attention should be paid to how they are dressed and what the children are like at that time.”